Tuesday, June 07, 2005

what a man!

JT is a man sent from God. He is a believer and he loves the Lord. JT was my first supervisor when I joined as a producer of children's programs. He was responsible for throwing me in the deep end so that I could grow and learn.
The most memorable lessons JT taught me were a mixture of production work and life - how to live it in a way that glorifies God.
Here are some pearls of wisdom I learned from this man who once walked around with a bible in his back pocket so he could whip it out and read it anytime.

1) "Work is easy, it's people who are difficult to work with." This was true and we often spent time trying to figure how to get two excellent workers who could not stand each other to work together.

2) "You call it as you see it. If the decision was good, praise God. If it was bad, take responsibility for it and try again." I was often terrified of making poor decisions when I was first appointed production manager. JT explained that sometimes there was no way of knowing for certain that the decision we were making was a good one but someone had to call it. He even offered to call it for me if I was too afraid to do it. That gave me courage and I learned to call decisions as I saw it. Of course, I asked God for wisdom as I made them.

3) "I cannot defend you when you have done something wrong" My colleague had done something wrong and went the JT for help. He clarified what she had done and pointed out to her what she had done wrong. He reminded her that she and the organisation would bear the consequences for the actions. He knew the position was not defendable.

4) "Don't be afraid to ask for help" When JT first became VP and had to submit budgets. He did not have a clue how to prepare one. He called the finance people and told them exactly that and requested their help to explain how to do it. Two people from finance were happy to accomodate the request.

5) "Your success is not measured by the size of your car" JT never said that but he lived it. It was such a sight to see his tiny royal blue nissan march parked next to the jaguars and mercedes benzes of his peers. No prizes for guessing which car got noticed the most :]

6) "Go home to your wife and kids" JT loved his wife and his kids to bits. He had their photos in his cubicle. He left the office promptly every day to go home to his family. What a man! What a husband and father! He often told fathers and mothers to go home to their kids.

JT was my mentor and friend. I learned much from his life and example. I thank God for allowing me to learn from this man who knew his God and lived by His word.


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