Tuesday, June 07, 2005

straight and narrow....

As in any industry, there are always temptations for us to turn from God and to go astray. The temptations are the same everywhere - the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
It is by God's grace that I was kept close to the Lord. Here are several reasons how I believe God spared me and kept me on the straight and narrow.
1) My colleagues knew I was a believer. I talked about God. I prayed before my meals. I gave out tracts (usually during christmas) I shared the gospel. Instead of making fun of my faith, my colleagues sought to keep me out of trouble and harm's way! Some even defended me and stood up for me by saying "She's a christian, she can't do that!"
2) I taught sunday school class at least twice a month. I remember thinking once that I would like to try smoking or drinking as a way of venting my frustration over something that had gone wrong. I could not bring myself to do it because I did not want to be a hypocrite on sunday. I could not stand in front of a class of young people on sunday and teach them how to obey God and do exactly the opposite on weekdays. It was the Holy Spirit Who was gently guiding my thoughts during those times of trial.
3) I know my parents covered me in prayer all those years that I worked in the media industry. God honoured the prayers of my spiritual authorities - my parents.
4) The people who influenced me most were believers. Thanks JT - my mentor. Thanks Kim - my prayer partner. Thanks Aikes, Julie and Lin - my friends. I have known since primary school that it is impossible to have a non-believer as my closest friend. Christian friends help each other focus on the Lord.
God is Jehovah-Tsidkenu - the LORD is my righteousness. He alone is able to make me righteous in His eyes through the blood of my Saviour Jesus.


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