Monday, June 06, 2005

people are more important than production

This was the mantra I recited to myself on those days when everything that could go wrong did. Delays and cancellations cost money. Everything costs money.
But God showed me over and over again.. people are more important than production.
Here is a list of what happened during the drama years that cost us time and money
1) lead actor broke his nose
2) lead actor sprained his leg
3) guest actress had infected cornea
4) mother of lead actress came down with serious illness
5) lead actor had hot oil splattered on his face in kitchen accident
6) actors and actresses came down with the flu throughout the season
7) This list is not exhaustive but you get the picture...
This list can be examined from two perspectives. One was to focus on the inconvenience of all the happenings in each individual's life and how it cost the company time and money. The second was to see opportunities to show Christ-like care and concern for those who were hurting.
On one level as a employee of the company, it was my responsibillity to judiciously manage the time and money to the best of my ability. On another level as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, it was my responsiblity to reach out to people and earn the privilege to share my faith.
At the end of the day, when I stand before my Lord as Judge. He will not ask me about the productions I was involved in and how much money was saved or made. He will hold me accountable for the people He allowed to cross my path and whether I had pointed them to Him.


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