Sunday, June 05, 2005

one blue 1968 alfa romeo please....

Filming this episode was a mini-drama in itself. The episode involved filming a hit-and-run accident with a blue 1968 alfa romeo. The car used for filming belonged to Nick, a colleague. Half of the scenes had already been filmed and we were scheduled to film the remaining scenes. A few days before the shoot, the car was hit by a taxi and had to be sent for repairs. Once repaired, we quickly re-scheduled the shoot. Two days before the second shoot, the car engine burnt out! This was unbelievable! We were running out of time and my part-time actor was running out of days of leave.
Nick who owned the car, was a car buff so he informed us that there were only four blue 1968 alfa romeos in Singapore. His was one. We had only two days to locate the other 3 owners to see if they would let us use their car for filming. We managed to call one but he turned us down. We also located a red alfa romeo but that was no good. We needed a blue one...
At 4pm in the afternoon of the day before the shoot, Nick came running into the office. He cheerfully asked whether the "uncle" had come to see us. We did not understand what he meant. He said he had seen a blue 1968 alfa romeo driven by a white-haired man on the road on the way to work. He assumed that we had succeeded in contacting this owner and that he was on his way to see us. Wow! So close and yet so far. Who was the uncle and where could we find him? We brainstormed...... he was probably retired and on his way to a game of golf...he could be at the nearby country club....let's go check the club carpark...we jumped into the car and off we dashed.
The club had two carparks. There was no sign of the car in the first carpark. We circled the second carpark....BINGO! There it was and there was an empty lot next to it too! I pulled up next to the car. We split forces. Two of us stayed with the car, two went to towards the club to locate the uncle. Within a minute we saw our colleagues trailing a white-haired uncle who was walking towards the car. As soon as the uncle reached the car, four of us introduced ourselves and explained our predicament and held our breaths...... The uncle was friendly and agreed to help! He would let us have the car at 6am when he went for his golf game and his only request was for a ride home at 12noon. What an amazing chain of events! What a miracle!
God is a precise God, answering right down to the minute detail and to the last minute. God is all-knowing. He is never late nor early, always on time. God cared enough to send us one of the ONLY four blue 1968 alfa romeos in Singapore when we desperately needed one.
By the way, this is the episode which won us the Asian TV award for Best Drama which I talked about in Dream Awards.


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